Over 90% of Chesterfield residents report being happy to live here—a testament to our city's strong sense of community and the visionary leadership of Dan Hurt who has helped to shape it. For over three decades, Dan has been a driving force behind transformative projects that have enhanced our quality of life and fostered civic pride.
Dan is the only member on the current Council that was a member of Council during the Chesterfield Valley recovery from the ’93 Flood. He was Chair of the Council Planning Committee that worked with business owners to rebuild the Chesterfield Valley to the existing success story. The leadership experience he acquired is now needed to help Chesterfield rebuild the old Chesterfield Mall property into a vibrant and safe Downtown Chesterfield that will be another Chesterfield success.

Chesterfield Valley – Flood of 1993

Chesterfield Valley Today

Chesterfield Mall Before Redevelopment

Proposed Downtown Chesterfield Development – Former Chesterfield Mall
Dan has helped ensure that Gateway Studios and The District will succeed in Chesterfield.

Gateway Studios

The District
As Chesterfield’s longest serving elected official, Dan has the pulse of residents and always works to balance commercial interests with the interests of residents.
— Dave Banks; Past Chairperson of Chesterfield Planning Commission